Looking for access to business finance? JUST ASK…!! – Sounds simple right?…. well actually it can be.
Most businesses need finance to help them survive, expand or progress to the next level. This can be via the need to improve cash-flow, purchase equipment, move premises, employ extra staff or via the development of services and products.
Our access to finance is available to a majority of those established businesses wishing to apply for Business Finance either via traditional Business Loans, Business Investment or via Business Grants.
However, it’s true to say that many businesses can be put off by the whole palaver in trying to gain access to finance, often due to the past failed attempts or mistakenly taking too much notice of the mixed, sometimes negative messages provided by those business people who failed in their own business finance applications.
It’s IMPORTANT to NOTE that any BUSINESS FINANCE APPLICATION you were to make, is unique to you and dependent on YOUR OWN BUSINESS, ITS SALES/TURNOVER, ITS POTENTIAL, and THE RESULTS both past and current, as well as those planned to be achieved in the future.
We KNOW how to help businesses obtain funding, by:
- Knowing what BUSINESS GRANTS are available, and which of those can be applied for
- Knowing how to make FINANCE APPLICATIONS including the compiling of finance packages
- Knowing what the REQUIRED CRITERIA are, and how best to ensure that it’s met
JUST ASK US…. if you’re looking to access business finance.
AS IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO JUST ASK to know if we can help you and whether or not we can help you and your business in making a business finance application successful.
If after initial talks either by phone and/or in-person it’s established that we cannot help – we will tell you then and there WITH NO CHARGE being made, however, if we find that we can help suitable terms will then be jointly agreed after which we can then help you in accessing the business finance you require.
It’s probably worth noting that of all the businesses we’ve advised that we COULD HELP, we have thus far secured a 100% SUCCESS RATE with all FINANCE APPLICATIONS we’ve made on behalf of clients.
Could you be our next successful client? – JUST ASK US….!!!!!!